creative portfolio

Peloton Interactive


Company: Peloton Interactive

team: strength & accessories

INDUSTRY: home fitness


brief: Grow Peloton’s strength offering with a first generation system for at-home, connected training



Project Contribution

As a first-generation product, the space to explore was wide.

My first week on the job, I was plunged into an early discovery phase. The team benefited from my user-centric research tools and knowledge of design strategy. I was able to offer experiential insight and framing outside a traditional ID skillset.

Once we defined the product system, I was asked to lead a core product subsystem. My ability to rough prototype and work closely with engineers helped us define the product’s fundamental ergonomic requirements. I utilized my form development abilities, to push the product’s expression of the Peloton brand language in a new category. I sharpened my DFM skills for large scale steel and aluminum product by working with factories in prototype development and testing. Working closely with a CMF designer and soft goods developer, I also added to my knowledge of premium, high-volume, soft goods.


reach out to learn more!

Being a complex system, the product won’t reach the market for some time. I can’t share specific details, but I am happy to speak generally about my approach and my experience navigating a fast-growing startup.