creative portfolio

Etude House


CLIENT: etude house (amore Pacific)


MARKET: asia-pacific (primary)

brief: partner with Etude House's internal special-projects team to develop a “meaningfully innovative” lip product

With the Etude House team in our New York studio, we completed a 3-week sprint to create new products for the rapidly shifting K-Beauty market. The process was meant to teach their team about the front-end of the innovation process: how to co-create with users, interview subject matter experts, and produce rough, proof-of-concept prototypes. We chose with a dual-ended lipstick system for it’s flexibility and sample-size usage! The final industrial design was refined by the Etude House team to reflect new visual brand language. The Mini to Match system launched in Winter 2018, with line expansion Fall 2018.


Etude house created super charming videos featuring superstar makeup artist PONY!